
What's The Deal?

What's with all these people trying to promote GPT(get paid to) websites?

Why would you work so hard to try to make money with a GPT website, and only make literally pennies on the dollar?

It just doesn't make much sense to me as to why anyone would go to one of these websites in order to make a profit, when all it is is just a bunch of work that you have to do to even get to about $10.

One-Two Punch Equation To Unlock Your Earning Potential Online

Me + Blog = Disaster!

Here's a story about my disaster with blogs...and how not to make money, the blogosphere way.

After spending some time online, trying to make a profit...a little after my spamming days...I found out about this new wonderful way to make money online...the blogosphere way.

It caught my attention because of the no start-up cost, and that it's relatively easy to do.

So to me...it sounded like a get rich quick scheme...and I liked it.

Just trying to make a profit, I quickly made more than 5 different blogs about network marketing and how to do it...and my goal was to get people to sign up for my network marketing program, Pre-Paid Legal.

Man was that marketing tactic a bust!

I would put up unrelated information about my network marketing company, and thought that people would sign up.

"They'd be crazy not to," is what I would always say to myslef.

But that's not the worse part!

I soon saw my mistakes, and came to the realization that the blogs would be a dud.

After giving that online venture the old heave-ho, I began working on a new blog.

This blog was made to help people break the mold, and learn how to really become an entrepreneur.

It became way more successful then my other blogs, and I started trying to get tons of traffic to it.

And man did it work. My subscriptions were high, and so were my hits. So I began to think..."Hey! How am I going to profit from this!?"

Doing what almost every person trying to make money online does, I turned to Pay Per Click programs, thinking I could make a bundle of cash this way.

Which is what the so-called "guru's" said I could do. They're guru's! They can't be wrong! stupid liars

After putting ads onto my blog, it just started to look like I was trying to squeeze money out of my visitors...and so my subscriptions started to decrease.

Trying to save my profits, I began looking for more ways on how to make money from my blog.

By becoming greedy, I ignored my blog and began searching for new ways to make money the "blogosphere way." Only to find out when I was done, that my subscribers decreased by more than half.

All those subscribers...gone! And not a single profit made! How horrible!

I hope you caught on to what you shouldn't do when trying to make money with blogs, that I learned that hard way!

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

Is It The Markets Problem?

Wow! I was watching Larry King Live today with Suze Orman, and what she said is exactly what society should be doing!

If you're planning to retire,than you should be doing something in order to retire. Don't just spend on a bunch of doodads that you don't need, like that new audi you're looking at.

Get your priorities in line and start thinking about how you want to retire, instead of blaming the markets. Because the markets have nothing to do with it.


Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

A Post "Trash Talking" MLM Programs

I was using the oh so wonderful stumbleupon toolbar the other day, and ran into a blog about "making money" online, and it talked badly about MLM programs.

I have already talked about MLM programs before in the post "My View On MLM's", but I just want to say that I personally believe that a MLM program is a wonderful way for the average joe to build up a passive residual income.

The only problem that I see with a network marketing company is that there are tons of them out there that are not legit. Just like any other investment.

These are not "get rich quick" schemes, because you have to work hard in order to make it...just like any other business.

In all, a MLM program is like any other investment. There are good ones and bad ones. But if you know what you're doing, and what you should be looking out for, than you're going to succeed in your investment.

Stick your head out of the water!

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html


So have you ever thought about using stumbleupon? It's a wonderful website to use for all bloggers and website masters. Basically for anyone who has a website...even squidoo.

But it's a wonderful way to get some traffic to your website. All you have to do is just stumble your website, and when people in your same niche use the stumble button, they might get sent to your website. It's pretty cool, free, and easy to use.

It's a great way to find new forums and blogs to promote your website on! Just make sure that you subscribe to those blogs! Every blogger hates someone who leaves a comment about their website and leaves! : )

So make sure you're not that person!

Anyways...try out stumbleupon.com and put their tool bar in your browser. Good luck!

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

Using A Blog As Your Landing Page

Some of you might have started blogging in order to bring traffic to your website...but wait! Did you know that if you use your blog as your landing page for articles, it'll boost your sales rate!?

Sure your amount of conversion rates might decrease...but your sale rates will increase.

I don't know about you...but I'd rather have a high sale rate than a high conversion rate. But hey...that's just me. : )

When you write an article, if you post your blogs link in the resource box rather than putting in the link for your capture page, you'll see your sales grow. Why? Good question!

By putting up a blog, people get to listen to what you have to say, and see if they like your personality...good right? That's the reason why blogs were made! : )

By having a blog as your landing page, you get people to see who you are, build their trust with you, and learn that you're a real person who knows what they're talking about.

But with a capture page...all you put down is, SIGN UP NOW! Then you pray that the person who signs up will buy whatever it is you're offering, and that they buy your products even though they don't know you.


As a mathematical equation...

landing page = blog = high sales

landing page = capture page = low sales

Blogs build trust with your visitors...which is the best way to make a sale on the internet.

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

A Speech For My Grandpa

As some of you might know...my grandfather died about 2 weeks ago, and I've been totally swamped latelly trying to do a bunch of stuff for the wake and funneral.

Right now I have to make a speech...and up to now...I don't have anything written down! And it's due saturday!


And I still haven't finished my homework I was supposed to be doing...YIKES! : /

I hope everything pulls out okay for me in the end...

: )

Getting Traffic Yourself Over Paying

Ever thought about buying your own traffic? I recommend that you don't.

It's just too simple to get large sums of traffic to whatever you're trying to get traffic for.

You shouldn't be paying in order to do something that's easy.

Get traffic yourself, and stop paying for traffic. It's just not worth it to pay.

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

Free Ebooks For Sale...

You can go to http://www.ebook-maniacs.com/ebooklist.htm and get free wonderful ebooks that you can resell on ebay.

You can also use these ebooks as a bonus for your subscribers, or use it in order to capture your visitors to sign up for your automated emails.

I use this website a lot, and I've gotten tons of subscribers from it, just because I downloaded a free ebook and used to give to my visitors for free when they opt in for my automated emails.

Check it out at Ebook-Maniacs.com

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

Convert My Traffic? Psssshhh, I Don't Need To Do That...Do I?

Okay people have been getting really hyped up when their blog, website, whatever has a hit counter increases to a huge number and think right away...YES! I'M AWESOME!

Okay so you have a huge amount of traffic...now what? Have you thought about converting that traffic in order to make some sales?

Traffic is important...but having that traffic coming back and getting that traffic to take further action and opt in is even more important.

It's actually not that hard to get traffic. Trust me. Write some articles, post in forums, talk on blogs, make some videos, and BOOM there's your traffic.

But what about when that traffic actually gets to whatever you want them to go? What happens then?

Getting people to your website, blog, etc. is great and all...

But having that traffic repeat, opt in, purchase an item, or subscribe is what really matters.

Get, Capture, Convert...

This is the process of success online.

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

Landing Page...Capture Page

Your landing page is where visitors are redirected when they click on a banner, or hyperlink.

These landing pages is what your visitors are going to use in order to find out what your website is about, what you're doing, and what you want them to do.

But don't get them confused with a capture page. A landing page is vastly different from a capture page.

For one thing...a capture page is what you use in order to "capture" your visitors attention.

A landing page can be any page that you want your visitors to be directed to.

Of course you can use a capture page as your landing page...but they are not the same thing.

If you use the word capture page when describing a landing page, you're just going to make a fool out of yourself.

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

Depending On PPC Ads

I don't think that people should soley depend on PPC programs to make them a full time online income.

PPC programs only work to make a little bit of online income, not a full time income.

But people seem to think that they can make you a full time income.

This is just not true...you cannot make a full time income, soley on PPC programs.

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

Using The Words, "Lowest Prices Ever"

These words might sound good to you when you're looking for furniture, but when it comes to the internet...these are the most hated words online.

The words, "lowest prices ever," is used a lot by people who are starting and trying to make money online. These people think that by simply putting these words will convince someone to buy their products...


Using the words, "lowest prices ever," does not alone convince people to buy something. If anything, it'll convince them to not buy it.

By saying, "hey we sell the prices at the lowest prices, buy it." And not having anything to back up what the product does and how it'll help your visitor will simply not sell.

You must tell your visitors about the quality of your products, why they need it, and what they should know about it. These topics are what makes your products sell, not by talking about the price.

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

Money On Myspace?

So every one's been getting all hyped up about marketing and making money off of myspace.

First of all, marketing on myspace is dead. It worked before, maybe 4-5 years ago, but now myspace has been filled with a bunch of people spamming and marketing their own products onto myspace (sounds like the web doesn't it?).

With the marketing on myspace high, trying to make money on a page has become harder or nearly impossible.

THE ONLY way that I've found profitable in trying to make money and market on myspace is by finding a niche, and redirecting them to my capture page or have them opt in directly from my myspace page.

It's crazy to think that mass spamming and saying, hey join this group, is going to work. REMEMBER, no one is on the internet to intentially buy something.

So if you want to market on myspace, focus on a niche

And if you're trying to make money on myspace, collect their emails and profit from your capture page. You should never think that by simply sending someone to a web page and posting a buy now sign on a product is going to get you any sales.

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html

Long Tail Keywords

I was introduced to the long tail keywords technique, but I did not have enough time to actually use this technique until now...

If you don't know what long tail keywords are, it's usually 2-5 word long keywords that do not appear on the top 1-10 keywords. It's basically the concept of using long keywords (2-5), to get a higher conversion rate from more targeted traffic.

I'll be talking more on this later.

So I'm going to keep you guys posted as to how I'm doing with my long tail keywords campaign so you guys will know first hand...just how well it works, or just how bad it works.

I think that it'll work great, but that is just a theory that we're going to have to test isn't it? : )

Learn how to make money online by joining my FR-EE ecourse at http://marketingentity.com/ecourse_sign_up_page_1234.html