
Mailoop 7

I just came across this new autoresponder called Mailoop 7 and I think that it might just surpass Aweber.

The only reason why I think that it will surpass Aweber is because Mailoop is able to collect much more information from your subscribers, and you can use that information in your emails to make them even more personal.

Creating more personal follow-up emails.

So instead of having an email from aweber that collected only the name and an email sent at random times that says...

"Hey bob! Remember to be romantic to your wife! Buy her flowers and what-not!"

You can make it much more personal with mailoop by collecting more information and send an email coming at certain dates that you state and says...

"Hey bob! Remember that Susan's birthday is coming up in a couple of days! Make sure that you remember to get her something!"

Much more personal isn't it?

But be warned! With this autoresponder comes new rules and tactics! So be sure to study up. : )

Sign up now to get Mailoop 7!

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