
Another Blog of Mine

Just filling you guys in with what I'm doing right now, I just updated my old blog, www.newentrepreneursblog.com, and it looks wonderful now.

I haven't updated, or posted to that blog in a while, and I think that now would be a great time to do it. While I was doing it, I came across a wonderful new idea.

While checking out my old blog, I realized how it's still got subscribers and readers -heavens knows why- and I started to think to myself...what if I had more than one blog running at the same time, but funneling to the same website I want to get my readers to?

My Visits to my website would increase dramatically! So from now on, I've got two blogs that I'm going to be updating at the same time. It's a wonderful strategy, and I think that it'll work.

I'll keep you posted on my venture!

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